What is Bandlook? Bandlook is as it sounds, it’s all about bands! Band info, Best songs, Best Albums, Best Covers, Music Quizzes on famous bands & the odd bit of news. The site is mainly just a hobby as a way of being involved in music in some capacity. I’m Phil Richards, I listen to music every day of my life & have done for around 30 years now so I needed some kind of outlet to express my interest & love of music. It took years to find a way that I believed could work in some capacity. As a guitar player, I didn’t get to fulfil my dreams of being in a band due to life choices & I’m definitely not what you would call a music journalist so the result of that is bandlook.
I started out with an mp3 search engine in 2005. Then I moved onto what was just a music site which pulled youtube videos into collections of various bands albums. Spotify does that already, itunes, deezer.. They weren’t as big when I started developing my idea. I then turned that into a standalone video music player which also displayed lyrics but ended up tiring of the idea.. The idea once established just felt like a waste of time as people can find all the playlists on Youtube now anyway.
Anyway, I hope you find something of interest & if not why not send me your suggestions for a band or artist you’d like to see on here.